Congrats to and , May's Draw This winners! These illustrations beautiful capture what MOVING DAY feels like. Please show these illos some love! June's Draw This prompt is YIKES! Tag to submit. We can't wait to see your work! 🎨

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is easier for Wizard than for us mere mortals. However, did something go awry with his spell?

Geoff's entry for SCWBI's May Draw This! Prompt

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This month's prompt for Draw This was "Making Mischief". Had fun with some woodland friends in this more playful style. Hope you enjoy red fox & red squirrel who may be up to no good. Pen, watercolors, colored pencil

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Making mischief! 👩🏻‍🍳

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Congrats to March's winners, and ! 👏 Please visit their profiles for more work and thank you to everyone who submitted to last month's PLAY BALL prompt! April's prompt is MAKING MISCHIEF. 😈 Tag to submit.

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The March prompt was “Play Ball”. This new painting inspired by the prompt is called, “A Curious Thing Rolled into the Woods”. Watercolor, colored pencils, gel pen.

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Here's a little something for this month's prompt: Play Ball.

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