Absolutely beautiful Shanoa piece that . did for me

3 30

The Shadow Raven Sisters, Rita Raven & Shanoa Raven are twins. Both are Elastic Fox Maidens who are also trained to use magic. Both twin sisters are orphans and had a very difficult childhood until VV took her into their family and changed everything for them.

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🎶(ノ'ω' )ノ 🎉🎊✨

5 39

All art belongs to it's respective artists. Of all the GBA Castlevanias, I like Order of Ecclesia best, even with the difficulty. You come back to it to unlock all the extras, it has a setting and feels "open* as opposed to the other titles, and Shanoa's design is awesome.

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1 29

You know who's an underrated character? Shanoa from Castlevania Order of Ecclesia that's who

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Shanoa from Castlevania
C0mmision for

15 20

そ~だちゃん( )に依頼してたしゃのあの胡桃コスのイラスト届きました!おまけで透過版とかもくれたー。

4 26

Here is the Shanoa sketch!

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【夏诺雅_Shanoa 一周年記念!】可爱!绝壁!单推!-哔哩哔哩】https://t.co/os9hmy36Te

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216 さんのコミッション「悪魔城ドラキュラシリーズのShanoa、マリア・ラーネッド(「血の輪廻」PCエンジン版のデザイン)、Sypha Belnades(Netflixアニ...」 https://t.co/sxEmZ5V9bv より

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I like how the icon here, and the fact you can't sell the casual clothes, implies Shanoa's design is just her normal attire with some leather armor slapped on, like Veigue in Tales of Rebirth

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"Someone oughta put you back in Ecclesia!"

"Someone oughta put you in a box floatin' down the river, SHANOAAAAAAAAAA!"

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