It’s roasting hot and my sinuses hurt 24/7 🤘😎

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Autumn weather is here and my sinuses are killing me.

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GOOD, get well soon! <3 *pats your sinuses and stares at them menacingly* >: <

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The amazingly unique and weird skull of Rusingoryx!

The nasal passage and the sinuses (coloured) are completely empty and full of air. This antelope would have made trumpeting sounds like some dinosaurs!!!

(Image from O’Brien, 2016)

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did more noses while waiting in terminals and bemoaning my horribly sensitive sinuses ✨

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Okaaay~! So! I'm aiming to stream Okami tomorrow and/or on Sunday at around 6:30 pm PST!

HOPEFULLY the air quality won't be so terrible on those day and will leave my sinuses alone, so that I can stream comfortably 😅

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The Benny I had to take a few hours back bc my sinuses were killing me, is starting to kick in buuut~
Coloring progress was made! Gonna continue (and finish the piece) tomorrow <3

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Just now getting over a sinus infection that knocked me on my ass for like 3-4 days.
I'll never take clear sinuses for granted ever again.

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Tropical Storm Danny has my sinuses in complete revolt, so today's Willo art seems appropriate. :P ...maybe tomorrow I'll post the Obama fairie sketch/final to keep the theme :P

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a dum 1 layer sketchpaint bc my sinuses leave me too brainded to sleep

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Progress has been made but stopping for the night due to sinuses trying to kill me.

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1 edition rarity. 'consume your adoration' available as on 'let it sting your sinuses and cherish the suffocation,'

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JNIS Latest Content
Shapiro et al review and describe the dural venous system (not the sinuses, but the dura itself!)

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I love spring. My sinuses don't. =\

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“It clears the sinuses” 😂

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Once again not feeling good. Sinuses, migraine and nausea ...again. 2nd time this week my body has decided to turn against itself. Ugh

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I'd like to exchange my dumb sinuses please for some that work properly. Woke up with a huge sinus headache and feel like I didn't sleep at all..

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Dealing w/sinus pressure/headache & my face is flushed. Which is why I'm awake at 3:30 am. Along w/my usual aches.

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Ended up ending stream early because of my head. I still had a great time even though focus was difficult.

Man stuffy sinuses suck

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