Back to back to black (by Sexsketchgirl)

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Neepit lived and worked on a wheat farm owned by his parents near the village of Kholmeth, Impresk, Erlkazar. It was a simple, but good life. That was, until both his parents were conscripted into the army.

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The son of an unsuccessful tailor and an absent elven mother, Thaddeus Pumpernickel Barenum was no stranger to poverty. As a boy in Neverwinter, TP delighted in the traveling shows and circuses that would roll through town.

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Tanaka is a wordsmith and a performer, kind and jovial. He's made a name for himself across the decades, and although he plies his trade as a travelling solo act, his swords and spells are almost as quick as his wit.

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Mas sketches hechos en stream por peticion del chat.

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Some classic for the on I've been swamped with commissions lately so haven't had much time to draw!

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Jaspar comes from a tropical island full of dinosaurs, and always dreamt of becoming a famed knight of the order.

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Fawn Caraway's birth was prophesied long ago as the druid who would one day save his village, and therefore he was marked from birth with supernatural powers. Though his parents were humble farmers, he was treated as a gift to both them and his village.

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Favian Omsworth was born in a small village named Bridendale. His mother Siris Glenn-Omsworth taught him to read and write and his father Deldoris Omsworth taught him an ancient martial art from the deserts of Vultara.

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Zameia and her brother were orphaned after a zombie attack on her town. Forced to flee their home, the siblings struggled on their own for a bit until they were taken in by a pair of blood hunters who taught the tiefling pair everything they know.

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Ilyana Daedove always considered herself in tune with the earth and the souls around her. When the man who raised her mysteriously disappeared, she quickly found herself exiled from her country at the hands of her guilde’s new leader.

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Ogun is a killer and loves hunting prey. When he betrayed his devotion to the Luxon and sought power from Yeenoghu, Ogun'Kar earned the title 'Cackling Scourge' by becoming a warlord among gnolls. Some believed him the son of the Gnoll Prince. Some still do.

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Kaszuk lived in a village of lizardfolk called the Suneater tribe. From birth, he was trained by the tribe’s most skilled hunters and most fearsome fighters, in the hopes that he would be able to master both aspects and become a powerful warrior.

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Born to a traveling caravan of kitsune nomads, Ren grew up with his friend Hamaki, always quick with a knife, and Yuki, a beautiful kitsune with whom Ren would spend hours playfully flirting.

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I did thesketchgoblin (Instagram) goblin! The original is very sweet looking, but if I've learned anything from The manga it is that goblins are frickin' terrifying!

Made in

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-Triton Fighter/Barbarian
Win a free Character Portrait this week by placing an order via my website for any character illustration.

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