We just published in Communications Biology the oldest fossil lizard in South America, pushing back squamate arrival in SA by 20Myr, and showing cosmopolitanism of early squamates in South America! https://t.co/BoKlE0oZaa

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Remember Squamata? Well, I redesigned her.

Credit to whose commissions are currently open. This redesign cost about $20.

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So I would like to thank for drawing both the human and dragon forms of the main antagonist of Zodiac E, Squamata! Zodiac E’s the story that Sabrina’s from, by the way.

Her commissions are still open, so if you want something like this (about $30), just ask her!

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🌿LAGARBAJO CORNUDO (Squamata coleoptera)🌿

La cola del lagarbajo cornudo coniene un fuerte veneno que resulta letal para depredadores grandes como el tucadrilo, quien se lo come a veces por accidente al cazar ratonapos.

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It's been a while since I've drawn digitally and with color so behold this creature I've made.
References :
- Coelophysis for the body plan
- Longisquama for those vibrant frills, or idk what u call em
- Ostrich for le toes

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WIP. An illustration I started long ago but have not had time to finish. Cuspicephalus, a Late Jurassic pterosaur from England. Here hunting a squamate amidst large quillworts. Inspired by a reconstruction of the same taxon by

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Today is a day to celebrate this enormous group of squamate reptiles that includes over 6,000 species. Today we bring you chromolithographs of just a few of them from volume one, part 3 of the 1882-84 edition of 'Brehms Thierleben.' More: https://t.co/07TjwNzE0o

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Today is the day we celebrate the Serpentes, those long, scaly, cold-blooded, legless squamates. In celebration, we present a few chromolithographs and wood engravings of snakes doing what snakes do: threatening, crushing, swallowing things, and just hanging out, looking cool.

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My entry for Speedmap Pack 198, 'Desquamation', is now complete. It will be released with the rest of the maps on Sunday.

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Results from the
Monolophosaurus, Longisquama, Cistecephalus, Albertonectes.

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Ancient roman Aquilifer with Lorica Squamata.

로리카 스쿠마타를 입은 아퀼리페르(독수리 휘장 기수).

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I saw SO MANY of the amazing Lathraea squamaria plants yesterday; all in amongst young hazel and ash saplings. They carpeted the woodland, Ive never seen so many before! Lovely to be able to take a proper look at them up close.

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Results of today's stream. This is Squama. When the snake bites, she would consider healing you. Consider.

I'm kinda proud of myself for painting a snake with an open mouth. I almost didn't, but decided to challenge myself. Small victories.

Which girl is next...?

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Soon, very soon we will be able to share the first episode of our podcast SquaMates. Here is our logo, with drawings by the FAMOUS

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1# Lorica Hamata CENTVRIO
2# Lorica Hamata Squamataque
3# Ceremonial Lorica Segmentata

Let's draw some EXECITVS ROMANVS!

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Le scan d'un de reptile du (245 Ma) en fait le plus vieux (#reptile à écailles) connu !
Les dates calculées sur la phylogénie supposent une origine des reptiles diapsides antérieure au Trias.
Source : https://t.co/xCkA1rFHiU via

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The dragons of Idlewood are all dorky little squamates, as they should be. https://t.co/ztWbWfmHT4

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