I let the characters opt out of the gulag. but those who took part will get bonus points for their character sheets.

Was a really dark and more character motivated part of the game. Now everyone is getting shoved into a penal battalion and sent to take the equiv of Stalingrad

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Twenty one ● Ilya

Ilya fought many battles.

His first and last one as a human, on the Siege of Stalingrad in 1943.
His life had forfeit there, on the battlefield, but a voice called him back: “Rise, Comrade. We still need you to win this war”

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Two German trophies: a tank and improvised winter boots, captured south of Stalingrad in November of 1942. Even this late into the war, the Germans were not always prepared for realities of winter combat.

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Art by Anatoly Kokorin, 'Volvograd (Stalingrad)':

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Just announced - A new set from Stalingrad - "The Final Instruction, Kharkov 1943" in 1/35th scale from Stalingrad Miniatures with the pictures that inspired the sculpt in our preview...

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CARTOON: Taking the ?stall? out of Stalingrad https://t.co/16lwbBju8H

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ヴィルヘルム トラウプ大尉
Hauptmann Wilhelm Traub

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Stalingrad Miniatures has a set of 6 new figures depicting German panzergrenadiere & AFV crewman on the eastern front during late WWII. See a little of the figures unpainted & painted, & pictures of the actual men that inspired them in our preview...

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20 novembre 1942 : L’armée rouge contre-attaque autour de Stalingrad.

En 3 jours, le général soviétique Joukov encercle la VIe armée du général allemand Paulus et balaie notamment les forces roumaines de couverture de la VIe armée au cours de l’opération URANUS.

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Stalingrad: 'Love in Wartime' - Russian Tank Crew https://t.co/rT8X0WLrFC

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A new set of two figures caught a'courtin' with some pussies on the side from Stalingrad Miniatures today in our preview...

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Preview: 1/35th scale Sturmtiger crew in action, Western front 1945 (5 figs) from Stalingrad Miniatures

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Stalingrad Miniatures's new Tiger II crew in 35th scale wave as they pass the camera - straight on to your workbench in our preview...

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...also have some documentation of her at Stalingrad

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Felix after barely escaping Stalingrad

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I made a Wonderbolts/Spitfire skin for the Spitfire Mk. IXe in IL-2: Battle of Stalingrad. The pattern was based off a drawing by Fongsaunder. The nose art was drawn by , with some stylistic edits by me to fit (apologies for not asking permission beforehand).

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New BIG SET from Stalingrad Miniatures for your German tanks in 35th scale (plus a little pussy)

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To add to the latest spate of Panter tanks with full interiors Stalingrad Miniatures now give us the right crew to fit your kit. This crew of five in light grey resin is the subject of today's preview...

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