Speaking of Steffen 👀

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not @ steffen being stuck with his lung as pfp

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LEVEL: CONTENDER - Old Wizard Bust by Steffen Salte H from University of South Wales https://t.co/IcX3BkPjAm

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I don't know what's happening today. Did the PS5 was launched? I keep hearing there is a new Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank.

If this is truth I wish Venom is playable in the Marvel's Spider Man 2. ^^

The other drawing is Yuuko and Steffe versions of Ratchet & Clank.

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【playlist】AVYSS プレイリスト

火曜更新|Swervy、Ralph、Paledusk、Eulalie、That Kid、S亜TOH、Lil Mariko、Minchanbaby、Calumecs+SteffenYoshiki+SKOLOR+19XX、KuttaraNeru+levi、lil beams+SKy NET、JUBEE、Bo Ningen、Lil’ Leise But Gold、Crossfaith+Jin Dogg

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To celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4, I drew Chibi Yuuko and Chibi Steffe doing themed cosplay. ^^

May the force be with you.

Hope you like it. ^^

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Monien tutkijoiden mukaan olemme siirtyneet uuteen geologiseen aikakauteen, –> ihmistoiminta vaikuttaa koko maapalloon.
Kuvan mv. versio livepiirretty prof. Will Steffen’in plenary-esitelmän aikana 15.6.2018. Linkki esitykseen:

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It's the baby!
A live drawing made in 2018 during professor Will Steffen plenary talk: The Anthropocene, Planetary Boundaries & the Biosphere: Challenges of the 21st Century, at the . Coloured today.

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Also vielen, vielen Dank, lieber Steffen, für dieses supermega Care-Paket! ♥️

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🌱Clean air and water, a diversity of animal and plant species, soil and mineral resources, and predictable weather are annuities that will pay dividends for as long as the human race survives🌿
Alex Steffen 🌱#alinachau

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Hanging for Django / Una lunga fila di croci / No Room to Die (1969) by w/ "Bounty hunters team up to stop an outlaw gang from selling illegal immigrants as slaves.

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Do you guys want more Steffen content ?

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Ohter request

The origin of why Yuuko, had to be saved.
-> https://t.co/0WNOGTPN9e
And my follow-up, this request.

Credit here-> https://t.co/brXlLBF29M

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