Und hier ein kleines Stickerset was es bald geben wird, ichnhoffe es gefällt euch c:

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The stickersets for Medicult/cute!

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Some Steven Universe, two Touhou stickersets, and Cells at Work
Pick one up if you see them!

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my menhera stickerset is finished <3!!

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Stickerset idea ❤
Animals + fowers = best combination

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(sorry about all the chicken in the future; thinking of making a stickerset * ^ *)

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Goldfisch für das Angry Fish Stickerset! Heute 17Uhr machen wir den nächsten!

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F*ck you for Wechat. I have a plan to make with this 😓

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Get ready to spazz to their cuteness! Stay tuned!

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