Same but make it accessible
Solidarność ludzi z macicami

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The Polish Government is once again trying to enact a total ban on abortions. We will not be silenced when women and afab folk are forced to deal with the hell that is this country.

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Ciężko mi uwierzyć, że ktokolwiek mógłby decydować o moim zdrowiu, ciele, życiu. To zaprzecza prawom człowieka. Moje ciało, moja sprawa. Nie jestem katoliczką i nie mają dla mnie znaczenia kwestie religijne - uszanujcie to, proszę.

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Tomorrow Poland’s parliament will discuss the controversial proposal to tighten abortion laws. As it is difficult to protest during lockdown, people manifest their pro-choice views by putting up an umbrella, a poster or a lightning bolt in their window or balcony

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3th of Ocotber Polish women go on strike to protest agains anti abortion law in Poland. Join us!

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