Rolling up my sleeves and ready to go in and judge the Stratford Salaryia Picture Book Prize.

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JUST ANNOUNCED! The Shortlist for the 2021 Children's Book Prize. Huge congratulations to those on the list - which due to the excellent standard of entries is not that short!

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アヴォンリーAvonleaは、シェイクスピアの生誕地Stratford upon Avonから付けた架空の地名。Avonはケルト語で「川」。leaは英語で「草原」。つまり『赤毛のアン』はシェイクスピア劇に代表される英文学+ケルト族+緑の草原に川のごとく流れる物語。アンはケルト族。初の全文訳

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