「ありがとよ。」 | いと https://t.co/ZHIpTaJhGy

「ありがとよ。」 | いと https://t.co/ZHIpTaJhGy

ほら、もう止んだぞ | スオウ https://t.co/3puc8Ne2js

杏里ちゃん | 月森うさこ https://t.co/81az4lvghh

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In Nordic mythology, Sleipnir is an eight-legged horse. Sleipnir is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, Sleipnir is Odin's steed, is th...

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Celty Sturluson | セルティ・ストゥルルソン

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FanArt of The Day: Celty Sturluson (Durarara!)
Source: https://t.co/c1EvlK4Lpt

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ブロガーコラボ対決!衛星ボウイ VS Sturluson 〜セトパでスカーレット降臨へ〜

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