Namor is the first flying superhero & the first anti hero in comics! Marvel's oldest character! Be sure to read Fire & Water: Bill Everett, The Sub-Mariner & the Birth of Marvel Comics by
Bill Everett Tribute Art by

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MARVEL TO LAUNCH 'NAMOR THE SUB-MARINER' FOR OCTOBER! Imperious Rex! ... from the future, on DF NEWS!

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Tiger Shark!

The villain does not appear on very many covers, but when he does it is fairly memorable. Tiger Shark as designed by John Buscema is unique and striking. Roy Thomas and Buscema created the character and he first appeared in Sub-Mariner (1968).

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Betty Dean, she was a golden age character who was a cop then later a reporter, she convinces Namor to fight in Marvel Mystery Comics she was Namor's first surface love, a long time friend, and later became Nita's adopted mom. Betty is very important to Sub-Mariner lore.

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SPOILERS: Want to see the MCU’s Namor the Sub-Mariner?

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Venom vs Namor from “Sub-Mariner by Marko Djurdjevic (2007)

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SPOILERS: Want to see the MCU’s Namor the Sub-Mariner?

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Namor: The Sub-Mariner cover dated April 1990.

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Namor the Sub-Mariner

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Namor the Sub-Mariner Hellfire Gala art by Chris Bachalo

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The Sub-Mariner (1968) In a letters page a fan asked “Dear Stan, Roy, and Marie, So how come after all these years, Prince is still a Prince???”
Marvel: After the death of Emperor Tha-korr it was decided that the ruler of Atlantis would bear only the title of ‘Prince’.

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Happy 'Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner' (Marvel Comics Group, March 1969). Gene Colan cover art, Roy Thomas story, with Gene Colan and George Klein inside.

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The Sub-Mariner for the 1990s--artist/writer John Byrne begins a new solo series for Namor that brings a new twist to the character's legendary rage.

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Aujourd'hui, je vous parle de l'un des meilleurs super-héros : Namor the Sub-Mariner, entre sitcom et mythologie !

Un article à lire et à écouter sur mon Substack :


🐠 Vos RT sentent les fruits de mer ! 🐠

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Today in History, Namorita Prentiss, mutant clone of first appeared in Sub-Mariner (March 14, 1972).

Own It! 👉

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ヴィラン・フォー・ハイヤー、Namor the Sub-Mariner誌初出のミュータントヴィラン、ヘッドハンターもメンバーになっていて、パープルマンの秘書的な役割で他のヴィランを集めるのが担当と名前に因んだシャレだろうか。ヘッドハンティングするヘッドハンターと。

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