Estudios nocturnos hechos desde el insomnio (porque hace muchísimo calor como para domir sin sudar).

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Sometimes at the Good Folk would join with humans in celebrating the night, although they may or may not be visible to everyone present. But be wary & stay safe from their mischief. (Danaher, 1972).

🎞️#AMidsummerNightsDream (1935)

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Okay, terminei 😳 ficou melhor do que eu esperava 💛
Ta aí meu Star Child de dos lindos da vão la dar stream na musica pq ela é boa e o clipe tbm

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My friend’s really into K-Pop so here’s Momo from Twice who, I hear, is One in a Million

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I drew it about 2 weeks ago hmmm :) Summer Night Chaeyoung holds the strawberry with happy face ;;v;;

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Today is the last day of the !! Thank so much for inspiring me and making me live the dream. I will never forget it !!#Shakespeare

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I have always been fond of theatre and of plays. But never had I imagined I would see a show like this when I finally decided to book my tickets for my first shakespearian play in English... in London !!

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【いよいよ公開まであと3日!!!】漫画家・映画人・コラムニストら著名人から絶賛のコメントが到着!菅田将暉主演で映画化された「溺れるナイフ」「ダンス・ダンス・ダンスール」(連載中)漫画家 先生からは の直筆イラストも到着!

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After seeing together with my family, we went visiting the mostly because and I were dying to see the marbles from the in
That's when she said to me she imagined as 1/3

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We met that summer night under stars and lantern lights. Surrounded by concrete towers and noisy strangers, we held each other close— and all I heard was your voice.... .
I tried to give this one a story 🤷🏻‍♀️Hope you guy

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