i kinda overlooked this teacher's existence, thinking that shes just some extra character but seeing how she appeared in both bomi's flower and gaeul's flower(when sunhee climbed the tree), i guess she'll have a certain role in dongchae's flower
-at first, he begun to pay attention to her bc it had something to do with jaemin but one day, without he even realized, he already fell for her so hard that he couldnt just stay friends with her🍁
-small anger x tall gentle
-sunhee x sunhee protector<3
-kang siblings!
-literally a perfect example on how siblings act and treat each other in real life. very realistic💯
-subin teases her a lot and she doesnt hesitate to curse at him lol😭
-always bickering🫶
kang sunhee & park euijoon and kim jintae (jinyoung's gang)
-had lunch together when she fought with bomi
-her place to hide when she avoided jaemin
-seatmate with jintae and even borrowed his comic books when she avoided jaehyun
-close enough to ask for 'love' advice from them
-polar opposite. like fire and ice
-fight a lot but like, in a close friend way
-the shortest duo in their class
-truly dont match with each other but somehow i like their dynamics lol the tom and jerry duo
-"bite her!" *bites gyuri*
-childhood friends
-sunhee had a crush on him but bc of the guilty feeling for what happened to hamin, she never even tried to take a chance
-"thanks for staying by my side all this time" "my first love was precious and i dont regret it"
-bestfriends since middle school!
-always stick together
-did fight but reconciled easily
-cares for each others and puts e/o first
-sunhee approached bomi first and also encouraged bomi to break free from her mom's pressure and high expectation
it might seem not like it but out of seasons of blossom's characters, kang sunhee is actually the most expressive one. we have seen her in various emotions. also even though she seems strong, sunhee is actually the softestㅡshe literally cries so easily🥹♥️🫶