Tribute piece Christopher Reeve and Richard Donner. The latter of which passed away yesterday at the age of 91. May they both rest in peace.

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What are we spending Saturday watching on HBO Max? Batman: The Animated Series? Superman: The Animated Series? Batman Beyond? Justice League? All of them? All of the DCAU? So much to choose from ...

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "Unity," which debuted on this day (May 15) in 1999, finds Superman and Supergirl defending Smallville from a legit gross alien threat! Despite weak animation, the bonkers story certainly keeps it interesting!

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Enjoyed a Superman: The Animated Series mini-marathon of the show's latter Darkseid episodes. "Apokolips...Now!" and "Legacy" remain next-level story-telling, and this series' take on Supergirl is just so smart and neat. Supes at his best!

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The Man of Steel has arrived! Every episode of Supeman: The Animated Series is now available on HBO Max, and it's all there in glorious high-definition! So get comfortable, grab a snack and enjoy some of the best Superman adventures ever!

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"Legacy, Part 2," the finale of Superman: The Animated Series, aired on this day (Feb. 12) back in 2000! An absolutely devastating episode, it totally changed Superman and the DCAU, with consequences to deal with for years to come!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "In Brightest Day..." debuted on this day (Feb. 6) back in 1999! A fun team-up episode, it's yet another step this show took into the larger DCAU, this time with Green Lantern Kyle Rayner!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "Little Big Head Man" debuted on this day (Nov. 21) back in 1998. Despite the subpar work by Jade Animation, Paul Dini's hilarious script perseveres, resulting in one of the show's funniest episodes!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "The Main Man, Part 2" debuted on this day (Nov. 16) in 1996. It's a fun romp and, hey, who could guess the events here would end up playing a pretty big role in a future Batman Beyond episode?

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "Obsession" debuted on this day (Nov. 14) in 1998. As with his first appearance in "Fun and Games," Toyman here is as unsettling and creepy as ever, and the result is one of the series' darkest episodes.

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Lobo comes for the Man of Steel in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "The Main Man, Part 1," which debuted on this day (Nov. 9) back in 1996. This episode marked the Czarnian's first animated appearance, and what an impression he makes!

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Let's start the week out on a bit of a super-note, shall we? Check out this fantastic Bruce Timm art spotlighting Supergirl! It just might be time to rewatch the Superman: The Animated Series two-parter "Little Girl Lost!"

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Long Live the Legion! The Superman: The Animated Series episode "New Kids in Town" debuted on this day (Oct. 31) in 1998! It brought the Legion of Super Heroes into the DCAU for the first time, and it's a heckuva fun intro!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode “The Way of All Flesh” debuted on this day (Oct. 19) in 1996! Metallo arrives and, wIth that unnerving design - half his face is ripped off - and a great turn by Malcolm McDowell, it’s pretty damn memorable!

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The epic three-part Superman: The Animated Series episode "World's Finest" debuted on this day (Oct. 4) back in 1997 on Kids'WB! When this premiered, it was the very definition of appointment television, epic beyond any known scale!

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Parasite makes his debut in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "Feeding Time," which premiered on this day (Sept. 21) in 1996. Another top-notch episode, Parasite gets one heckuvan introduction here, and how awesome is that character design?

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Bizarro made his DCAU debut this week in 1997 (on Sept. 15) in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "Identity Crisis." Bizarro is such an overlooked character, so it was real cool to see him as a semi-regular DCAU fixture!

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Superman has his first run-in with Kryptonite in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "A Little Piece of Home," which debuted on this day (Sept. 14) in 1996. Did you know this episode includes the first-ever appearance anywhere of Mercy Graves?

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