"Waving to You" Headed to Australia! 4x6" 140# watercolor paper, acrylic, ink, oil pastel Delighted to participate yet again. THANKS to ALL the VOLUNTEERS who make this awesome international event happen!!!

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Entry for finished and ready to be packaged up -- paper collage entitled "mind-body". Will be on its way to tomorrow!

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Here is my entry to

'Cockatoo King'
Derwent Graphik Line Maker and watercolour paint on pittura paper

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Here is my entry to

I had done an aboriginal-inspired kangaroo but that got banned, so I did a replacement postcard, Billy the rescued cockatoo.

Acrylic on pittura paper

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Close to 1200 registered artists now from 62 countries! UK still just marginally in the lead with USA, Australia and Canada behind. Look at Germany go! Thanks guys! in support in

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A wonderful and delicate watercolour from in the UK has arrived safe in Australia ready for the charity art sale to raise funds for Thank you Tracy without an e!

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A very dynamic painting called 'Esperanto' from artist in the US. Thank you for posting this to us for the charity sale where it will help support the work that does with horses.

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'Silver Birches' by UK artist has arrived in Australia. A lovely small postcard painting. Thank you Judith for sending it for and for the help it will give

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Starting with ... "Mom?!?" by from the UK. Thank you Caroline for your wonderful postcard for and for your constant support. supporting

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We love seeing these beautiful portraits arriving every week. Thank you for sending in your entry "Nymph" to from and for supporting ☺️🖼️#artonapostcard

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Gorgeous blooms have arrived from the by , thank you for your entry "Amaryllis" to the supporting , your is sure to brighten any room!

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Dogs in the lead?...... Loving 'Flapper Dog' by artist . Thank you Marie for another wonderful postcard this year and for supporting

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So happy to see this arrive safely in Australia from the USA. Thank you Natalia for this lovely piece called- 'She got me. Help!' that you have donated to

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We always love the postcards that in Canada creates for TAE sales and this one, 'Raspberry Fields Forever', is another beauty. Thank you Andrea for sending this to to support

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A lovely coloured pencil postcard from in the USA called 'Ortega Highway'. Thank you Lani for this beautiful postcard and for supporting this year for

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Puff has arrived on holiday in Australia! Thank you for 'Puff's Christmas Vacation' and for your continued support of the event! supporting

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"Essence of Siamese VII" by has also arrived from the Thank you for this beautiful entry to the supporting the 🎨☺️#felineart

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"Serendipity" by Thank you for your beautiful entry for the benefiting It has arrived safely from ☺️🖼️#artonapostcard

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This one from France by and called 'I Thought of You Today'. Thank you very much for your contribution to and for supporting this year.

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