I don't want this precious week to end _(:<」∠)_

143 536

marshall lee and prince gumball except its actually taegi where vampire yoongi likes to see tae work and call him pet names to distract him. Tae just think yoongi’s a nuisance....................... but they kith tho 😳

148 500

Taegi- but make it The Owl House 🦉 ✨


34 132

Cartoon style

Wanted to do at least one day of Taegi week QHQ
One of my favorite matching outfits they did ✌️

91 457

this is inspired on Castle in the Sky, tannie looks so smol

72 268

someone said they miss this AU so- 👀💕

496 2035

So, I have this kind of dermatitis on my hands. It's so damn annoying cause ikr that is because of the stress of Univ. Please take it easy, remember that you're doing it amazing and taegi loves you 🥺😔

14 26


ハウルの動く城 より

65 235

I suck on this but I made icons and a header (I reused the blue ring thing that I created for day 3)🥺💜

5 13

day 6 - Studio Ghibli style

This was definitely a challenge but I hope you like this version of Spirited Away with Taehyung as Chihiro and Yoongi as Haku

112 363

Old digital art pieces
Blue haired beauties in BWL ;w;; I luvvv Yoongi's part in the MV alot

41 175

taegi moments: piggybacks🌟

202 687

I really like this cute moment 🥺

79 307

our favorite couple on their way to steal our hearts 💜📿💜

14 50

быстрая но не совсем штука

7 41

Maybe just for a while 🐯🐱

174 433

“We are indestructible together.”

They call them the king and prince of Daegu city, the ruler of the underground’s. Many have been fooled by their pretty faces, but what’s more beyond their shadows?

28 74

day 4: slice of life/coming of age au

in the midst of summer's heat, through the open windows of his room, taehyung is suddenly starstruck by a senior he recognises from school

50 102