【宣伝・作品紹介】『Phototaxis Pixies Strange Lovers』長い20世紀が終わりそうな1980年代に必然的に誤射された秒速11キロメートルの飛翔体をポリティカルかつポエティックな言語で撃墜しようとするメカ娘SF。コンパクトにまとまってて読みやすいよ。

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【宣伝・作品紹介】『Phototaxis Pixies Os Canibais』1960年代アメリカを舞台にユーゴから来た百合夫婦が陰謀と暴力に巻き込まれたり暴力をもって陰謀を食い散らかしたりする暴力小説です。第九回ハヤカワSFコンテスト一次通過作品。つまり二次で落ちた。そういうことだ。

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What you get when you combine polka dots and phyllotaxis patterns 😁

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Phototaxis — 11:58 am | 1:50 pm

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Helicobacter uses chemotaxis to swim towards some tasty sugars on the lining of the stomach, and finds its home there for life

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A little bug who is all for that sugar rush 🍭🍫🍩

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Mis sueños frustrados incluyen, pero no limitado a:
- Tortillero
- Taxista
- Plomero
- Astronauta
- Doctor
- Chofer de camión
- Conductor de metro
- Músico
- Químico
- Matemático
- Actuario

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Today's gen art newsletter 🧵features drops

Phototaxis ( ) & Democracity ( )

Given much daily noise in the NFT space, there isn't enough discourse on the artwork, kindly share if agree

👇on for what's notable in these remarkable gen art work

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“Phototaxis” opens on Art Blocks in 24 hours https://t.co/1TuDFiEafd

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neco arc: primordial cat. gets into mischief.
neco arc chaos: dark and smokes a lot but super chill. enjoys taxis.
neco arc bubbles: nyanyanya *nods violently*
neco arc serenity: enjoys appearing refined and cultured, but still a cat
neco arc evolution: con-goer

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Al fin llegué a un planeta de lo más elegante
y le dije al taxista ponte desodorante 🎶
Mirando mi reino finalmente pensé
ha llegado el principito de todo Bel-Air
¡Aaaaa! 🕶️

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Throughout his reign, Ludwig had a succession of close friendships with men, including his chief equerry and master of the horse, Richard Hornig, the Bavarian prince Paul von Thurn und Taxis, the Hungarian theater actor Josef Kainz, and his courtier Alfons Weber.

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JUSTO eran como las 13:30.
El taxista no estaba dispuesto a esperar tanto. Me preguntó si teníamos coche a lo cual respondí obviamente que no (¿en serio piensa que si tuviéramos coche nos habríamos gastado 85,000₩ en un taxi?) y encima se mofó de nosotros EL MALDITO.

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The Stammbuch of Matthias Chrysostom Günther XXIII G 1 presents personalities from 1631-1641 (Roland a Bourges, Alexander Schifer, Jean Baptiste de Taxis and many others), including interesting locations (Bourges, Bologna, Milan, Rome, Siena, Padua, Vienna, Regensburg, Prague).

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