Sorry most of these are movies (but the anime spirit is still there!)

2. Tekkonkinkreet
3. Trigun: Badlands Rumble
4. Tokyo Godfathers

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I am Amber, and here is some of my work. I mostly write about women and lesbians in my stories. My biggest influence was the movie Tekkonkinkreet and French cartoons in general.

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Princess Mononoke
Tokyo Godfathers
Castle of Cagliostro

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The Jet set radio designs, tekkonkinkreet and the some of masaaki Yuasa's designs,,, al also clamp!!

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Big Hero 6 visual development by Scott Watanabe :
(I can not help but feel a little taste of Tekkonkinkreet/GitS/Jin-Roh and I love it )

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My favourite anime Tekkonkinkreet I love the exaggerated/ boiling animation style.

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Otras 16 grandes películas de animación del siglo XXI lejos de Ghibli, Disney o Pixar:

— Isle of Dogs
— A silent Voice
— Psiconautas
— Paprika
— Tekkonkinkreet
— The Secret of Kells
— Millennium Actress
— Tokyo Godfathers
— Big Fish & Begonia
— Mirai
— The Fake
— Belleville

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The wonderful world of Tekkonkinkreet ( 2007 ) Original manga by Taiyo Matsumoto.

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Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Tekkonkinkreet (2007)
Alien (1979)

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auuugh hard to choose!
-Oh Brother Where Art Thou
-Kiki's Delivery Service (but honestly, any Miyazaki film)
-Blade Runner

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Ok so my real would just be all Ghibli but here's a more varied version

Princess Mononoke
Ghost Dog: Way Of The Samurai
Pan's Labyrinth

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movies that have made me fall in love with animation and storytelling (they may also represent me in some way)

Add Howl’s Moving Castle, Lilo & Stitch, Tekkonkinkreet and Kiki’s Delivery Service :)

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