Happy December 1st everyone! Have this beautiful art by to get into the festive spirit!

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Silly AU idea I got in my head. XP

"Jewel: Agent of G.U.N. and 4th Member of Team Dark"

She's their strategist, and knows how to handle any weapon.

Like I said, silly AU idea I had. XD LOL

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Reminder, Jewel is precious and she deserves all the love in the world! ❤️❤️❤️

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Look at our girl taking up authority! I'm so proud of her.

Source: Issue 46

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Issue 46 just made me love Amy and Jewel's dynamic even more. 😌

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Giving the stage for the new girls too!ヽ(´∀` )ノ
Notable- Whisper in "The Silent" outfit and hates every moment of it~💦

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The gangs all here! Wait... where's Belle?

14 97

Didn't even notice before, but It Seems like there's beginning to be a rift in Tangle and Jewel's friendship. I really hope the flesh this out more and go into more detail as to why and maybe match thing up in the end?

Sources: Issue 37 and Issue 45.

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Building the tent isn't going very well...

Source: Issue 45

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So as promised, here it is!
You can win a painting like one of those right under here! (characters belong to @/Nina_E_Christ @/7mbue and @/TheBeetleB4rd)

To participate:
- Like 'n share
- Be a follower!

END DATE: October 19th!


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