That was a very big piece of work for me. Took me like forever.
I'm actually not that happy with my shading and I would really appreciate every single advice to help me out.
Cheerio guys. :)

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Then this ignoramus had the AUDACITY to tell me that my OC Rosa cant be black cause she’s too light skinned. Excuse me? I made her in my image so how can a non-POC try to tell me what she is? 🤔🤦🏽‍♀️

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Ugh...guys I'm going through the ugly stage of this one right now - trying to get through it. 🤣 . Have you taken a ride on the art strugglebus too? If so, how do you get off of it?

0 14

The struggle is real. On some days I feel like I lost all of my ideas or no idea is good enough and nothing helps me to get them back or nothing gets me inspired at all

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Cafe sketching. Trying to learn more hurts sooo good?

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When you do the 2017 Best Nine for your Instagram and see your selfies got way more love than your artwork 😭💔 The one thing that does make me happy though is seeing that Ruby and Rosa piece in the middle. 😍 They made it! 😩🙌🏽😭💖 lmaooooo 😂

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If you are an aspiring kidlit artist, check out the hashtag, it's a super interesting look at what the pros did back before they made it in kidlit 😀

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When you’re too busy making your own anime to catch up on all the anime you’re missing out on 😭✏️

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Evolution of my wolf/canine plushies. The right direction I think! I really want to remake the first two on my new pattern now!

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When you couldn't sleep all night and still can't take a nap 😴 😴

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