A Raccoon Thief Spitting Out a Grape...

The Thief is from The Thief and the Cobbler

Raccoon Thief Designed and Requested by
Fixed Color on Thief’s Teeth

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Tack from The Thief and the Cobbler. I was very sad to hear about Richard Williams passing... I've loved this movie since I was a kid and now as an adult I'm blown away by the ridiculous detail and smoothness of the animation from it.

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Thanks for showing the talent of some great animations and the incredibly underrated works, such as the unfinished one, The Thief and The Cobbler.

*Rest in peace, Richard Williams (1933-2019)*

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“You ain’t never had a friend like me”...? 🤔🤔🤔🧞‍♂️
You be the judge by watching “Persistence of Vision”! Order the 2-disc DVD set: https://t.co/e0Llmn1IZV Or, watch it on Vimeo now!: https://t.co/AwjUVxJ8N7

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Anyone else love this gem of a film growing up?#thiefandthecobbler

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