I've come out of t-shirt design retirement! Vote for "Big Fat Pizza Cat" at Threadless! http://t.co/MeVK8WPPXU

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i love art Hart Matter Up for voting on Threadless!   Tumblr http://t.co/NSKfcHRkug

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Buy this tee at Threadless!

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My t-shirt design "Can't Find Me!" (aka. Waldo Chameleon) has been reprinted on Threadless! http://t.co/mf55whl1Ai

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I just submitted a design to Threadless! I would be so grateful if you could score my design. http://t.co/J11uE2RfNA

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2 more days left to vote for "Shapeshifter" on Threadless! http://t.co/ybBVRfo4v4

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