//=time() ?>
@sbarra_anthony *everyone looks, but they don’t see anything*
Twilight: Where is he?
Rarity: I don’t see him..
Lachlan: *echoing* “Made you look!” *he ran off when no one was looking*
Chrysalis: Are you kidding me?!
Tirek: Did we seriously just fall for the classic “made you look” trick?!
Lachlan: Whuh-oh...!
*Lachlan is cornered by Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek during a battle*
@LllpMmz @fifteenai These are the first five characters I am excited to see on https://t.co/ClVWC20Ibi the MOST and they are all on the data batch! WOOHOO!!! <3
1. Lord Tirek
2. King Sombra
3. Grogar
4. The Storm King
5. Tempest Shadow
You know what will be so awesome!? If @fifteenai showed me a special sneak peek of how far along he came with training Tirek's voice, the character I'm excited for the most on https://t.co/ClVWC20Ibi! :D! But other than that, I can wait until he is added to hear his voice! :D
-Aang Vs Ozai
-Twilight Vs Tirek (yes I liked MLP as a kid shut up)
-Tanjiro Vs Rui
-Deku Vs Overhaul https://t.co/9jBK1eFSgw
#mylittlepony #MLPFiM
#chrysalis #cozyglow #tirek
@sbarra_anthony Lachlan: Mom, Auntie Luna, Auntie Cadence, Uncle Shining Armour, every one of my friends were chained up... including you... and Cozy Glow. ...Tirek and Chrysalis were there too, but they weren’t the ones who chained everyone up.
*an interesting twist, and there’s more*
Poll Results: Should Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Chrysalis Be Released for From their Statued Form in G5? - Post up here: https://t.co/BU0pFwzISP #brony #mlp #Mylittlepony #mlpg5
@ooop47941282 Ah! We got a Sombra x Chrysalis shipper here! Nice! :D The Evil King and Queen getting together. But I also ship Tirek x Chrysalis myself. LOL
@fifteenai Also, I sent you a message on Gmail if you haven't got it. I sent you more zipped audio and text files. They are outtakes of the characters I requested (Tirek and Grogar) in S9E24, and new character requests and audio and text files for Pony of Shadows and Spoiled Rich! :D
These Tirek memes will be one of the first things I will have Tirek do when he gets on https://t.co/ClVWC20Ibi! They are absolutely hilarious! LOL
Lady Tirek!
Had lots of fun with her, thanks to @NotSoDerpable for helping me with the human bits.
@NathanSheldric3 @fifteenai Ha! Very true! Only Grogar is yet to be added! x3 But to be fair, I am happy both Tirek and Sombra, two of my favorite MLP villains, are getting onto the site at last! <3
@sbarra_anthony SAAAME! That be cool! :D I am planning on a https://t.co/ClVWC1J6MI rap battle between Tirek and Discord, whenever Tirek gets on https://t.co/ClVWC1J6MI! Hehehehe! ;) It will be funny!
✨It now the time to share #Tirek illustrion of this epic battle of #Twilightsparkle✨
#brony #mlpgen4 #mylittlepony #digitalpainting
@fifteenai Also if you may, I hope you add Grogar and Sombra to the data batch if you can. If not, that's fine! I'm excited for Tirek anyhow! :D
@fifteenai Oh btw, @fifteenai, I have one question. When you do add Tirek onto https://t.co/ClVWC20Ibi after v24 is done, will he have his weak voice or stronger voice? LOL. It'll be cool if you added both the voices, but either one is also good! :D.
Um...I dunno why I created him :'D
It's really really sudden idea lol
#digital #sketch #mylittlepony #tirek #chrysalis #mlpnextgen #centaur #ponytaur ?
Xander Payne vs. Tirek, Queen Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow (from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, and Archie Sonic the Hedgehog & Mega Man: Worlds Unite crossover series)