Kananginak Pootoogook | ‘What I have known’ Part 1

& Interconnected Worlds thesis

• ‘The First Tourist’

Two • Venice Biennale-Canadianart

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hi i haven’t posted in awhile so take this i worked rlly hard and it took like 2 hours ok bye

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çelıncında ilk durağımız 'in isteği olan Neliel karakteriydi. Kendisini çizerken yeşilin beş bin tonunu kullandık. Bir sonraki durağımızda uzaydan bir kovboyu görüntüleyeceğiz.

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Şu ikisini aynı enstruman sananlar da...
arkadaşlar böyle düşünenler bi zahmet bassın unf butonuna... uğraşmayalım hiç...

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I have one more on location illustration to create for my series this coming week .... it’s been a tricky one in this delightful weather!! Here’s a recent one from

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Die Kollegen von sind auf der Suche nach Nachwuchs-AutorInnen (m/w/d) – die Betonung darf dabei btw sehr gern auf w/d liegen🙂

Bewerbt euch & verpasst keinen unserer schlechten Wortwitze im Webedia-Slack!


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In the meantime, consider visiting Aston University's degree show Inspired '19 (12-17:00, May 28). It's open to the public

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No fue facil pero
Lo hice :'v
Ya tenia ganas de hacer algo de este tipo ajua <]:v

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