Legacy Menasor has got me thinking about how the other Combiners will be handled in Legacy. I might be crazy, but I'd really like to see Leader/Commander torsos, and then the arm bots as smaller Voyagers so they can be crammed full of engineering. Leg bots are simpler, so

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Lumina Silverstein is a skilled magician who uses ancient magic techniques passed down from her ancestors

Teleportation, splitting torsos in half and reattaching them and shooting fiery rabbits

Unfortunately, these techniques hold a curse that has resulted in their demise... https://t.co/MbNvBd4ure

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I also wanted to share some of my sketches. Some parts are really funky (arms and head) but honestly torsos were my main focus here.

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Back to drawing cars with human torsos! It's been ages again since we've seen the CarVerse kids like this, and I wanted to show y'all something very cheerful, and full of excitement! 😄

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2 years of improvement drawing/shading torsos hehe

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nash acaso estas obsesionada con los torsos de hombres?

pues ... no porque preguntas?

arataki itto mi varón 🛐✨

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Blessed are the peacemakers. Become the change you want to see in peoples foreheads and torsos.

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i just feel like the guy dancers shouldnt have outfits that make their torsos look like theyre 90 feet long but i guess thats just how it is on this bitch of an earth

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I can't draw feets, for that the most part of time i just draw torsos or just some times legs and that, im bad drawing human and animal feets, and yes try of any forms but i can't, so for that reason i just draw mostly torsos or semi-full bodies.
Ty 💜

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couples pose practice. getting used to putting bodies together, this HTDM book ("couples") that 100% says "no really, stick the torsos together and then build outward and decide who's facing camera" and i'm like "??? wait what." game changer.

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A collection of semi recent Boxing pics, featuring Ivan.

In the ring, he was formerly Heavyweight Champion of the Archipelago Circuit and was colloquially known as The Gutwrecker because of his focus on battering his opponents torsos into mush.

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it's so weird drawing like this
it's like making a building lol
maybe i'll call this sculpting instead of painting
noticing i do pretty compact torsos, not sure i'm gonna fix it

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"Sitting Building"
(1/1 VIDEO)
I propose buildings with human shapes: heads,
torsos, complete bodies. If those forms are perfect
for the human being, they are also for architecture.

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more torsos, but this time it's female

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