Woody always fighting against all outlaws until he's just little injured like that.

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This screenshot of Toy Story Great Series season 2 about while fighting VampBear, but Buzz has hypnotized by him and he been controlled by him to defeated Woody and Bo.

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When Woody was in his consciousness, Woody saw him and lifted him up and immediately helped him. That Woody wearing black clothes is mean not be evil, just still good one.

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Yelly and Velity having picnic at City park like that and Yelly give flower crown for Velity.

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Woody can fighting with the guns with his great skill of shooting with the gun.

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Ben become new co-worker for Woody to help him catcher all outlaws, also Buzz be another co-worker.

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Jessie has thanked Woody after saving Dolly from the curse and Jessie back to loves her brother again.

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In Toy Story Great Series, Woody going to sleep with Yelly and going continue journey to find his friends.

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Bo Peep meet Little fairy girl just like Woody meet Ghost from Hollow Knight.

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After Woody has defeated by Wadebridge, his friends going take him to hospital.

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This scene about Woody come to see her and save her from execution

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Abba is kinda weird to see Woody with Bo not make her jealous of his real girlfriends.

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This New Black Friday for Toy Story Great Series is about in Woody's consciousness, Woody has trapped under the influence of the Wirewolf. Woody met his corrupted version of Wirewolf.

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