Today is 2nd Anniversary of Disney Plus, that's why i like disney plus and i always whatch every movie and series.

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That Woody and Bo has kissing, but i'm gives censor on their face, too gross for me and they're so romance to hugging.

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Woody will take it Yelly to safe places, he will safe from all vampire.

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This scene about Woody will fighting enemies and Emperor Nechronos with Super Light Sword until he's got empowered.

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Woody carrying Bo Peep to safe place from horrible vampire is other vampire not Count VampBear.

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Today is Tom Hank's Birthday and Woody so excited to see his birthday with Captein Ben.

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Thanks for everything again to Toy Story 4.
You know what?
I didn't watch this movie, but just watch clips and always thinking.

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After Woody fighting tough villain and make him injuring like that and he will take a break in his bedroom.

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Today is sibling day, so i'm make artwork about Woody and Jessie is sibling (use Jessie to be his step sister)
And Tigger miss his sibling.

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Woody: You think you can be up to me..
Abba: 😨

That's why Woody knows that it turns out that Abba has a crush on Woody.

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Today is Random Act of kindness, this about how do acting kindness is Woody so nice to his little friends, Nile, Mason and Bonnie.

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Woody and Arthur is daydreaming about Bo Peep and Ida.
And this about Woody interested of Bo Poop's Cowgirl outfits.

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I always thought of Woody and Bo Peep as angel be like that, because i like this picture i drawing.

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While Woody try to save Bo Peep after been catch by the priest in Battlesaurs palace. Suddenly Woody got shooted by the priest.

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That's why Abba always had a crush on Woody the first time he met her at SunnySide Daycare.

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That's why Abba always had a crush on Woody the first time he met her at SunnySide Daycare.

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