Lo que los conspiranoicos decían que iba a pasar en el mes de agosto y nunca ocurrió: la vuelta al poder de Donald Trump, la ejecución de Adam Schiff y el juicio militar a Bill Gates; vía https://t.co/zRao3lJZ5x

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hi Bill - was thinking that you might resonate with this. Short comics essay / webcomic I wrote & drew; my reflections on the nature of evil, Trump, the GOP, and Alan Moore's Swamp Thing. Colors by Thomas Gryphon At https://t.co/jD1VwH3hwi

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2017: Trumpet.

De los cortos protagonizados por alter egos animados de Donald Trump, este es, con diferencia, el más memorable.

Ver corto: https://t.co/UkdBrkSvTF

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The Republican Party is the party of Trump, but is also the party of Roy Moore. Cuomo should resign but Republicans should shut up about it.

134 604

Is...Donald Trump, Jr. holding this copy of "The Cat and the Hat" so weirdly because he felt the need hide that he has the bilingual edition?

9289 113085

I would say he likes Trump, but yeah I'm with you on Stonetoss being funnier because he had a better joke about the OK Boomer girl

0 6

Unlike your Trump, who continually took credit for the economy left to him by Obama.

Get stuffed, you spineless toady. 🖕

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Bye Bye Trump, Bye Bye.👇👇👇

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"Trump, tu esqueceu um negócio, volta aqui rapidão"

1288 9435

Bye Bye Trump, Bye Bye.

5 42

Donnie the Narcissist packed his trunk
And said goodbye to the circus.
Off he went with a Trumpety-Trump
Trump, Trump, Trump!

3 21

2020 The year of colour. And that colour is orange.
Trump, as he sees himself.
Trump, look how much they all love me, nearly as much as I love me.
Can you see my tan line?

1 18

Your god will always hate the same people you do. That's why they finally had to make Trump, their god.

11 28

Thanks to Donald Trump, even the years don't change.

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Trump, l'incendiaire. (Par Le Hic)

51 149

Bye bye Trump, Bye Bye... Sad.

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Trump, while we’re all celebrating~

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