Isko (full name Francisco) is a wandering..."exorcist", of sorts that offers eir services to communities and villages in need. Nomadic by nature, he has few friends but many acquaintances. He's a pragmatic but occasionally, somewhat underhanded fellow...

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"Oh, wow. Dave, huh? I didn't expect this level of underhanded maneuvering from you, but I'll respect the play.
Doesn't matter anyway."

so huh?

self indulgent drawing of dave protecting younger dirk from ult dirk? yes thank you

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Time for a mysterious bean! They don't technically have a name (or do they~) They're a Casino Owner, Genderfluid and most importantly: Fae :3c
They are underhanded when it comes to rival casinos. They gotta be the best and if that means hiring a magical hacker, so be it.

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"I appreciate the compliment. However do not think such underhanded techniques will work on me."

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I don't know why, or how I came up with the term "neurotypical skullduggery" but I love it, and shall make it a regular part of my vocabulary. For those wondering, skullduggery means underhanded or dishonest behaviour.

Check out my Patreon:

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This is the end Mario! Your stand [Firebrand] Is no match for my [Thunderhand]!!

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Did you know?

Tsubaki's moveset is based around the concept of her character being "fair-and-square." During CP, there were plans to make a boss-form that used "underhanded" attacks like projectiles and throws, but this was scrapped. Izayoi was developed as a result.

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アメリカ発のグローブブランドunderhandedのJAPAN LIMITED企画にて手袋デザインさせていただきました。

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Troy & Ray have both had it with the sneaky, underhanded bastards in their lives. Check it out:

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