Here's my Government Assigned Warriorsona

Snailmoth is very enthusiastic about making new friends. She isn't always great at it however as she's always flipping logs and rocks in search of bugs to fawn and coo over and show off to her clan mates.

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im really late but here’s my government assigned warrior, nettlemarsh !!

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This is my government asigned warrior cat name: Mintear.
I've had her design on my head since the moment I read that name and I love it. I'm so happy with her design. Wanted to draw her for days but not had the time until now!

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say hi to Tanglespot (#usernamewarriors ) she’s menacing, big and her tail is so matted that its now just one big curled ball

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I FINALLY got around making a proper drawing/ref out of my GAW name~

So meet Petalsong! A SkyClan warrior with a big heart (sometimes too big for her own good), maybe later ends up as medicine cat because of it or a loving queen

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And the other one, but now for my dear friend :)

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my government assigned warrior name! beechrose~ had to do it xD im loving her sm

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My government assigned warrior name was Lizardheart! She's a happy-go-lucky former ShadowClan warrior that ended up defaulting to River since she was seen as a burden in her home clan!

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Peek my government assigned warrior cat oc! Meet Cinderwillow, a timid and soft spoken WindClan warrior. ❤️

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I designed my Government Issued Warrior Cat (tm). She's a Thunderclan warrior bc I'm a Basic Bitch who loves the main clan best.

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my sweet girl !! she's a windclan med cat and that's all i know so far lol

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the erins rose from deep within my memory to give me my government-assigned warrior sona

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I got a new generated name for the roleplay I’m helping run! A good boy who wants nothing more than to be your typical background character. Suddenly he’s deputy

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My government assigned warrior Cats name! Dandelionscar

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This is Sootmask, and he's a big stinky guy that gets his claws stuck on things.

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a very slight redesign for my government assigned Warriors OC, I like her but I still am not 100% satisfied, I doubt I'll revisit her tho
she has a snaggle tooth that she's named after, sadly you can't see it very well here

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ok my is done!!! cloudymoon of river clan! :D he is kinda lazy and loves sleeping in the sun

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