God the official vaan render is so funny. Go vaan give us flirty playful and coy

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The main character role can be attributed to Ashe or Basch.

Vaan is a kid tagging along for the ride but the game makes him the main playable character. Balthier calls himself the leading man (but he is only in our hearts).

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My hexblade warlock, Vaan. He's based on the protagonist of the comic I'm working on.

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Vaan wearing shirt makes him look better in my opinion.🥰

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2021 Day 26:
as Rhys from Borderlands

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Tää plus se YCH minkä ostin (okei joo oon biased mut SILTI) MUT wtf nää on niin... Mielyttävän näkösiä ja estetiikka myös 10/10 emt TÄÄ VAAN ON THE GOOD SHIT

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Avec Fran, son inséparable partenaire, il prendra Vaan sous son aile avant de lui transmettre le flambeau du héros dans Revenant Wings.
Une scène de flashback devait le mettre en scène mais sera finalement coupée, il y portait des lunettes "très bien modélisées" d'après Matsuno.

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En saa unta ja oon kattonu stp videoita ja yhen jakson muumeja mut silti joku vireystila vaan päällä 😑 pakko vissiin käydä nappaamassa ketipinoria naamaan

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My very first stickers are up for sale! Starting up with the main cast of FFXII and a Vaan set! The message can be changed to anything (within reason) ^^ DM me!

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Dissidia NT gave me Noctis and Vaan interaction, instant serotonin methinks

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[GL] Call Finder updated

• Calls from Cor to the unreleased Setzer/Ardyn/Vaan/Kefka updates

• Updated features:
Ailments effect filters split into buff effects and debuff effects

(Reminder: v2 beta is nowhere near its final state)

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[JP] And these are the remaining BTs awaiting realization, ordered by their latest update:

Exdeath (V)
Yuna (X)
Vaan (XII)
Sephiroth (VII)
Warrior of Light (I)
Layle (CC)
Eald'narche (XI)
The Emperor (II)
Paladin Cecil (IV)
Ultimecia (VIII)

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Most annoying characters ... there are a lot of contenders. But my heart says Teddie in Persona 4.

Contenders: Yuffie, Rinoa, Claptrap, Preston Garvey, Hope (FFXIII), Teddy (Persona 4), Garnet, Wakka, Vaan...

The list goes on and on..

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Se tunne kun töissä tauol ja sit tää vilahtaa ruutuun ja oot vaan GASP--


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suuri yllätys tää ensimmäinen... tän lisäks tulee mieleen ties mitä hahmoja mist tykkäät mut ehkä ensimmäisenä tasapeli tinttihahmojen ja ...roope ankan välillä..?? siis apua en osaa päättää mul välähtää mieleen kaikkii sun lemppareita! kuinka sitte valita vaan 2 niistä

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