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My Tenno's Kubrow, Snowball (wearing the Metus skin and Valinn armor). She's a good girl...and also big enough that Suura could crawl into her chest cavity like some bizarre puppet master.

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Many know Dwalin from the Hobbit, but there was also Dvalinn, a ruler of the Norse dwarves who taught them the writing of runes. His daughters were among the Norns and he helped to forge Brisingamen, Freya's necklace.

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For Christmas, I draw my concept of a sculpture Ralphie has in his bedroom. The four reindeer eating from Yggdrasil define Ralphie's character with their names Duraphror and Dvalinn meaning Thundering Slumber and the Lazy One, and a maple tree that I'll explain in another drawing

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The four stags names have quite...soporific meanings. In fact, rather than gnawing or walking, the four stags names suggest they might be snoring 💤

Dáinn “The Dead One"
Dvalinn "The Unconscious One”
Duneyrr "Thundering in the Ear"
Duraþrór “Thriving Slumber"

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Paavo Väyrynen on näytellyt lavalla Urho Kekkosta, valkokankaalla... no, itseään. Vaan entäs jos hän olisi joskus valinnut toisin, ja näytellytkin rohkeasti jotain räväkkää populaarikulttuurihahmoa? Ajatus oli niin kajahtanut että tein kuvan Paavosta Jokerina.

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Nyt on hyvin mielenkiintoisen nukkumapaikan valinnu

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P1: Valinnos shows the gift of the Babel to Foris and let him go down into the water. P2/3; Foris meets Christian at the bottom of the Tower

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เงอะ!! วาดเสร็จแล้วOriginal Character
Servant : Lagertha
Rank : ★★★★★
Class : Shielder
Noble Phantasm : Svalinn

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