World Art Day – Happy Birthday Leonardo da Vinci – April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519 - ‘Battle of Anghiari’ (Peter Paul Ruben's copy of the lost ‘Battle of Anghiari’ after the remains of Leonardo's fresco covered up by frescoes by Vasari, beginning in 1563.

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Pirmais šī gada kūlas ugunsgrēks tika reģistrēts jau 27.februārī, kad Ainažos dega sausā zāle 30m2 platībā.

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Raphael’s career falls naturally into 3 phases and 3 styles, first described by Giorgio Vasari: his early years in Umbria, then a period of about four years (1504–08) absorbing the artistic traditions of Florence, followed by his last hectic and triumphant twelve years in Rome.

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La Tentación de San Antonio
Martin Schongauer
c.a. 1470-75

Según contó Giorgio Vasari a la edad de trece años Miguel Ángel hizo una versión en color de este grabado.

El Tormento de San Antonio
c.a. 1487-89

Max Ernst

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Here are a few more of my own characters over the years: Aheliya Sohlare the School of Theurgy wizard and devotee of Lathander, Lenah Vasari the Way of Shadow Monk raised by Bloodhunter Lycans, Isaiah Dawnbrook dutyboy McPaladin, and Nilah Penrose the Runechild.

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2/2 Giulio Clovio. Came from Croatia to Rome. Studied after you-know-who. Became (acc. Vasari) Michelangelo in miniature. Died OTD 1578.

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Agradecido a ⁦⁩ su inclusión de “Historia del arte en cómic vol.02” en el listado de los 100 mejores cómics 2020, se lo he dicho a Leonardo Da Vinci, Sofonisba Anguissola y Giorgio Vasari... ¡y se han puesto a bailar!

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Order of battle of Lepanto of the two fleets, with an allegory of the three powers of the Holy League in the foreground, fresco by Giorgio Vasari, 1572.

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Vasari la definì Cleopatra, mentre oggi sappiamo essere Arianna. Esatto, l'Arianna del labirinto del Minotauro, quella del filo. Divenne amante di Teseo e insieme fuggirono da Creta. Lui la abbandonò e lei, al suo risveglio, scoprì di essere rimasta sola....

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Come il grande Vasari ci insegna l'arte non è solo opere d'arte, ma anche aneddoti sugli artisti.
Fin da piccola rimasi colpita dalla storia d'amore del pittore Filippo Lippi e della sua musa Lucrezia Buti✨

Filippo era un frate con il dono della pittura,apprezzato dai Medici e+

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