Doing a snack trade with a friend. Shes sending me american snacks. I also made her some drawings as an extra lil gift. Hope she survives the vegemite 💚

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Going to miss travelling this year. Might just send some nice parcels instead. Idk sending vegemite makes me happy.

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I think mao and the vegemals should meet

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Pirate Rin(and Valentines Rin) was the WORST. I saved up about 500+ lovegems as f2p for her birthday box and I didn't even get any Rin UR. In the end I only got ONE Umi UR from it all and that was Fruits Umi. I was sO heartbroken😭

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So uuuh I made fanart and the horrific vegemite smoothie

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couple more art fights, chars owned by RadioactiveGemz, passiionfruiit, vol and rinnmori (none of them have twt haha)

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Maybe she was hiding from the smell of Vegemite too. Seems reasonable 😂

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「この黒いジャム? vegemiteよ。提督も一枚どう?
 ...匂いがキツい? Japanのsalted squid gutsと似たような感じじゃない。


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I spent 200 lovegems on her first launching, got nothing. Spent another 150 lovegems on her rate-up banner, got nothing. Now, I'm doing 5 single pulls without expect anything, she's here.


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The legendary Edith Head’s costume design for Kim Novak as the sophisticated Madeleine in VERTIGO. Novak later noted that the difference of costume between the two characters she portrayed helped her immensely as an actress.

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Vegemite (A food spread that is popular in Australia!)

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Sorry for the lag in posts. Just now getting acclimated to life in Sydney! Thought I'd do a little doodle as an homage to my adopted home for the next few months :)

Also Vegemite. Just try it I dare you...

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Eu tenho q aprender a economizar lovegem irmão, tá lá eu me mantendo firme e forte até q do nada aparece evento com promoção e eu já fico

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ya girl coloured her page and here’s the offical view of the page I contributed to the Colors of Australia book. 100% goes to WIRES use code VEGEMITE for a bonus page.

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I wasnt gonna post it, but... heres a vegemite. I havent seen a lot of dragonball, and nothing of Z, but I love Vegetarians design.

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Me: i really need to head out of this discord call

My friend: I forgot that you were Australian can you tell me what drop bears are?

Me: time to pull out the old drop bear survival tips and make sure they have their cork hats and vegemite ready. this will take a while

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We may not celebrate Halloween here in Australia, but that doesn't stop us from having fun with it!
What's worse: An unlabelled tub filled with either Nutella or Vegemite, or chocolate chip cookies and sultana cookies in the same jar?
Art by:

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