My People I admire a lot and look up to! (was hard to only choose 8 lol)

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After my top 2 it was kind of hard to pick among so many people I admire😅 But It was kind of educational to think why I chose certain styles over others. And I think that'll help me find direction of my own style!

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Did the meme and the most challenging part is probably finding artworks in similar color schemes and put them together /@\

Seems like I mostly draw inspirations from artists who do well in graphic designs /owo

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My work isn't as great as the others in this, but i'll strive to improve even more to get to their level.

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tried putting one together...!!

it was hard to pick out only a few, but i think these are the artists' i most consistently referenced...?;; it feels really daring to put my work alongside theirs TuT;; some comments below as well!

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Despite using it as my ArtvsHero image, I never actually posted this here, oops >.>
Fanart of Ivy from 's comic Afraid of Monsters!

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So is this a thing people are still doing?

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I saw a Trend that i certainly wanted to try out .

these are some of my primary inspirations from back then to now. some of these guys i don't actively follow or love as much anymore. but they all played a big part in why i do art today @

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I see it and I seemed very good idea, so Here is my

I find it very difficult to gather all those great artists who have marked me in only 8 samples, but here are some of them!

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YES. My heroes that inspire me all the time with their work. Not everyone, unfortunately. :( I wish I could put more people here...

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we can all agree my artstyle doesnt look at all like the artstyle of my heroes

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Thought I'd do this thing cause I want to...not because I have too
Make sure to search up some of these amazing artist and show them support!

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i wonder if you see this list and think, "yup, none of these surprise me"

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tetsuro ueyama
mike mignola
adam hughes
claire wendling
enrique fernandez
cory walker
chris samnee
satoshi con

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Dropping shyness aside, here are some the artists who influenced me the most to take the path I do today (and look forward to take in the future)

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Now it's out. is making me reflect on my influences and even worse making me pick only 8. So this is one painting of mine surrounded by some amazing people that probably deserve an altar in my room. <3

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