Curculionidae appreciation post! What should be my next bug? I finally got the possibilities are endless!

5 22

they were awful but we all loved them

33 124

bro we are hugging in bin weevils

1 7

thots on the pope crawling all over him like weevils

3 25

A recent glimpse into the colonisation history of weevils has revealed that they rely on oceanic dispersal as a mode of transport to colonise new islands. Find out which factors ultimately determine their success.

1 1

What is the secret to Weevils surviving oceanic transport? Read about how these little daredevils do it and what factors determine their success.

1 1

Have a quick doodle based off that "which type am I." Loosely based off weevils just cuz I love em'! 🙌

0 18

horse- based off of weevils

2 4

Our Larval collection is one of largest and most comprehensive in the world! Preparing a loan of Mecinine weevils of economic importance 1/2

5 11

Some weevils come with terrible puns

31 42