Along with the Wishiwashi-like bug mon, I also started working on some ultra beasts, so there's that I should look forward to in the future. (2/2)

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El peso de Wishiwashi es de 0,3 en forma individual y 78,6 en la de banco. Según esto estaría formado por 262 pececillos.


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Los Wishiwashi de mi avatar me han pedido que hoy esta cuenta sea temática. Quieren que hablemos sobre el mar y sobre cosas marítimas.

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Intimidating art you say? You got it chief

Here's 4 of my favorite pokemon. Ditto, Mamoswine, Wishiwashi, and Mimikyu

Hope yall like it

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Wishiwashi y su forma banco se inspiran en las sardinas y los bancos de sardinas.

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We're getting there!! More details were done on the comm. Thank you everyone for such a chill time!

Raiders doodles:
Wishiwashi-gun, and hollow knight!

OC- Kidd, a sage of immense knowledge and wisdom cursed into the body of tiny child, and goes insane from lack of control. :D

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Who wins the fish war, Wishiwashi or Basculegion?

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WishiWashi flag bc I connect to them on an emotional level

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today on I MADE A POKEMON-

Papiwashi is now the official pokeostream wishiwashi OC
(based on Papilionichthys)

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Lana encounters a school of wishiwashi. 🐟🐟🐟🐟

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Cufant, Copperajah, Wishiwashi, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking & Zygarde Revealed From S7D Skyscraping Perfect / S7R Blue Sky Stream

Read more on PokeGuardian

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Shelmet, Feraligatr and WishiWashi

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Scorbunny, Fennekin, Jirachi, Sableye, Horsea, Snom, Wingull (x2), Poochyena, Sunkern, Larvesta, Ducklett, Spheal, Shinx, Barraskewda, Sudowoodo, Mew, Clobbopus, Manaphy, Glaceon, Litwick, Shelmet, Amaura, Rowlett, Galarian Farfetch'd, Whimsicott, Baskulin, Wishiwashi

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