Lavinia tells the King the Princess must find a powerful Mage and warns the quest is perilous! The Fortune Teller 🔮 - Hero’s Quest Day 2

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Danior sees that the Princess must find a magical relic that will revive the Knight. The Fortune Teller 🔮 - Hero’s Quest Day 2

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Clementina sees that the apparition is the Knight and can be revived! ⚔️ The Fortune Teller 🔮 - Hero’s Quest Day 2

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Kezia sees a ghostly apparition accompanies the King. 👻 The Fortune Teller 🔮 - Hero’s Quest Day 2

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A mournful King visits a recluse village of vardos to seek answers! The Fortune Teller 🔮 - Hero’s Quest Day 2

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The phantom attacks the Knight with the relic! He prevails but meets his demise. 👻 ⚔️ The Ghost- Hero’s Quest Day 1

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In search of the relic the Knight finds a haunted doll. 🧌The Ghost- Hero’s Quest Day 1

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This Quest isn’t for the timid, do so at your peril! 👻 The Ghost- Hero’s Quest Day 1

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Mother Ki Earth Goddess 🌍 🎧

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Elektra The Queen- Fantasy Day 5

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Aurora The Queen- Fantasy Day 5

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Nova The Queen- Fantasy Day 5

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