Being offered food in the fairy realm could be tricky: on the one hand, tasting a morsel out of curiosity meant a human might never return from the land of fae. On the other hand, offending a fairy was never wise…😉🧚🏻‍♀️

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The mysterious food of Wonderland: a potion shrinks Alice, a cake makes her very tall & the caterpillar’s mushroom can make her small or tall…
🎨John Tenniel (for “The Nursery Alice”, 1890)

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NEVER EAT FAIRY FOOD A human girl feeds on night mist scented with flowers in this image by Mary Evans. Fairy food is transformed by 'glamour' and is likely to be old weeds & rotten fruit. The fae themselves prefer stalks of wild Heather & deer milk!

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🌿Goblin Harvest (1910)
by Amelia M Bowerley

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🍄🍏🍄If you find yourself in the land of Faerie, never accept any food or drink - no matter how tempting it may appear - or you will never leave. But if you offend them by refusing their generosity within the mortal world, you will be cursed.

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A Flemish tale says a dragon called fretalop ate everything. When he gobbled down a ship including everyone aboard a knight tricked him to come to the castle. The beast got stuck between the towers and the drawbridge and would eat no more.

🎨Arthur Rackham

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Fillet of a fenny snake
In the cauldron boil and bake.
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blindworm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.


30 103

🕷️🕸️In Greek Mythology Arachne was a weaver of such unmatched skill that rose the jealousy of Athena who turned her into a spider. Thus the name "arachnids"
Here my recent eerie music video "the itsy bitsy spider" 🎵↘️

2 8

A Flemish folktale says a weaver astonished everyone by getting so much work done. He claimed to have a servant, but no-one had ever seen the servant. They discovered he owned a bottle in which a 'galgejong' lived. A little devil doing all the work for him.

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Edward Prendick finds himself shipwrecked on an island that is home to Dr. Moreau, a mad scientist conducting unspeakable animal experiments with hideous, human-like results.

The Island of Dr Moreau by HG Wells, published in 1896.

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In Arthur Machen’s novella ‘The Great God Pan’, a doctor performs experimental brain surgery on his patient, Mary, inducing a spiritual experience described as ‘seeing the great god Pan’, and which instantiates a monstrous. reversal of the Incarnation.

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In WWII the RAF launched new radar helping pilots shoot down enemy planes at night. To keep the technology secret, the British government attributed the pilots’ success to eating carrots.

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Join us today as we hang out with our Wynderful pals at
and and of course, as usual, will happily retweet your bookish posts📚✨

2 14

In 1863 the sky darkened in Kansas City, Missouri, and a shower of FROGS fell from the sky!!! Scientists believe the cause could be down to strong winds; stating if the winds can uproot trees, then they could carry a frog from its swampy abode...

8 52

The fear of dececed relatives or spouces turning into vampires was very prevelent in Germany. Lots of stories tell, that if they are buried with blood, hair or belonings of a living one they would suck their life forces.
Such could only be prevented with...

2 9

In the fairy tale "The Juniper Tree," a boy is murdered by his stepmom, cooked into stew, & served to his unknowing father. The boy's sister gathers his bones & buries them under a juniper tree. A mist emerges from the tree & the boy's soul returns as a bird.

6 38

Wyrd Wed explores death this week. So let’s visit the German children’s book, ‘Struwwelpeter,’ or ‘Shockheaded Peter,’ of 1845. Tortuous amputation happens to the unruly Peter -ie for sucking his thumb -by the Scissorman! Hoffman’s book still frightens 😱#WyrdWednesday

2 22

"I dared not—I dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb!" (Poe)

... the sister returns shrieking, though, scaring her brother to death before she ultimately expires and the House of Usher vanishes in the lake

🎨 Clarke

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Notorious John Mytton of Halston Hall led a dissolute life, fighting duels, stalking ducks naked & kicked out of Parliament after less than half an hour as an MP - he died trying to drive his horses & carriage up the steps to his mansion ....

5 14

A Flemish folktale says a woman who conferred with devils died when hundreds of them decided to strangle her. In another tale a girl whose soul became the devil's property after she read a book was found suffocated between two mattresses.

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