✨We are live!!✨
Last stream of the week and we're doing

Linkie: https://t.co/APVgQd11Gu

Come stop by as we do more random voice acting!!

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✨We are live!!✨
Doing w/ friendos!!

Linkie: https://t.co/6d6obaUkYx

Come hang out as we try to remember how to aim~

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✨We are live!!✨
First stream of the week and we're doing

Linkie: https://t.co/UgSxVtMBTN

Come hang out as we try to beat not-so-loveable sorts~

1 4

✨We are live!!✨
Last stream of the week (and of March!) and we're doing → starting

Linkie: https://t.co/uqx7gJPIp6

Come stop by as we do random voice acting!!

2 3

✨We are live!!✨
Doing dailies (pulling for

Linkie: https://t.co/VaOWlLuSMp

Come help me summon our boi and hang out as we run around the spirit realm!!

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✨We are live!!✨
First stream of the week and we're doing

Linkie: https://t.co/mBy4M9LGjq

Come help manifest a not-scuffed stream~

2 3

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing some dailies → more

Linkie: https://t.co/FGbXZ8qY7k

Come stop by as we solve more mysteries and do more random voice acting!!

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✨We are live!!✨
We're doing dailies →

Linkie: https://t.co/s0g207OcD0

Come hang out as we continue where we left off last week!!

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(o´ω`o) WELCOME ! I'm VEXAE
《🎨》Digital Artist 🇦🇷/🇺🇸
《🏛️》Aesthetically Pleasing Clothes Since 2015

1 3

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing some dailies → more

Linkie: https://t.co/Fb1A8qGaMj

Come stop by as we solve some mysteries and do more random voice acting XD

1 4

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing dailies →

Linkie: https://t.co/TDLrTuqxTm

Come hang out as we continue cleansing the place with the... spirit person.... (totally not vague)

1 4

✨We are live!!✨
First stream of the week and we're doing

Linkie: https://t.co/jnb5jgWXAa

Tune in for more Tarnished shenanigans~

1 3

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing some dailies → more

Linkie: https://t.co/CEzOlpe8Xj

Come stop by as we hang out w/ our boi Gregg and do more random voice acting XD

3 3

(o´ω`o) WELCOME ! I'm VEXAE
《🎨》Digital Artist 🇦🇷/🇺🇸
《🏛️》Aesthetically Pleasing Clothes Since 2015

2 1

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing dailies → Continuing

Linkie: https://t.co/sOGLc0Uf5g

Come hang out as we explore a new area!!

1 2

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing some dailies → Continuing

Linkie: https://t.co/dNxhoLCi0k

Come stop by as we do more random voice acting XD

1 2

✨We are live!!✨
We're doing dailies → Continuing

Linkie: https://t.co/eDK8aNikBG

Come hang out as we try to save our boi Taro!!

3 4

✨We are live!!✨
Starting March w/

Linkie: https://t.co/4zAvKeKysw

We're continuing our journey through Stormveil Castle so come hang out~

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