Legends of Runeterra

Xolaani <3 - Full Art

195 2178

Taarosh: Legend says Taarosh was mere moments from destroying Xolaani when the Darkin were set upon by the Targonians. As centuries passed, he sensed the land around him become corrupted, tainted with rot and perpetual stench of death. 1/2

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- Taarosh

Legend says Taarosh was mere moments from destroying Xolaani when the Darkin were set upon by the Targonians. As centuries passed, he sensed the land around him become corrupted, tainted with rot and perpetual stench of death.


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The square rock structures of today's card arts resemble those of the other Portal in Bard Lvl 2 art

That makes me wonder, if that portal was Norra's Teaser, could it be that Xolaani is also LoR Champion?

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From what I can tell, this Horazi character has a sort of time manipulation power since her flavor text places emphasis on time, and the figures in the background might be her in different moments in her fight with Xolaani

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begging riot to add jun/xolaani to league 😭 i will play her !! xolaani’s weapons remind me of enzo w the hook and chain https://t.co/QWwEeB65xY

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And yes these are confirmed Xolaani's blades in Rhaast's card art "He lifted Xolaani’s blades and put them to his tongue, savoring the taste of fresh blood."

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So this should be Xolaani, after she infests Jun, once she takes up the Darkin weapons after failing to protect the temple.

361 4898

Heedless Resurrection: "You’ll never die, because I’ll never let you." - Xolaani

3 99

Rhaast: Rhaast let out a triumphant howl. Years of waiting, yearning, and now... he was finally free. He lifted Xolaani’s blades and put them to his tongue, savoring the taste of fresh blood. 1/2

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Xolaani was apparently laid low by "the most vicous of the Darkin" for many centuries, which left her fate ambiguous, though now it seems she was caught by the Aspects and made a weapon

The "most viscous" line always makes me think of Rhaast, and given his flavour...

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- Heedless Resurrection

"You’ll never die, because I’ll never let you." - Xolaani

11 109

- Rhaast

Rhaast let out a triumphant howl. Years of waiting, yearning, and now... he was finally free. He lifted Xolaani’s blades and put them to his tongue, savoring the taste of fresh blood.


38 317

"Você nunca morrerá, porque eu não deixarei."
– Xolaani

30 609

Rhaast soltou um uivo triunfante. Anos de espera, anseio, e agora... finalmente estava livre. Ele ergueu as lâminas de Xolaani e as levou à língua, saboreando o gosto de sangue fresco. Ele fechou os olhos em êxtase, e um sorriso apareceu em seu rosto pela primeira vez em milênios

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