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Yare yare dawa... La partie 2 de STONE OCEAN est disponible sur Netflix 🦋

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Yare Yare Dawa, se lo Mucho que te gusta JoJo's así que la Dibuje Version Jolyne 💜

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Jotaro : yare yare... at least they don't ship me with iggy.
Kakyoin : they did. At least 3 times. Once you were changed into a dog and it was furry. The other iggy was changed into a human. And the last one its just your normal forms.
Jot : what the-
Kak : ur a bottom in all 3

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yare yare no hat texture daze

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Yare Yare, boss
Request for Doppio in Jotaro's clothes I got to do during the stream today!! 💖

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My pleasure, Val Here's one which might epitomise your journey/holiday on your barge. This is "Boats on the River Yare" by Walter Steggles from c.1932/33.

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Good morning, Knuts!
“Yare yare daze!”
It looks like I have been challenged to a JoJo pose off.
Very well. I accept your challenge .

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