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ชุปเปอร์ คือรอมยออออออ~ 💥

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Jam 3 mungkin aku akan live recording lagi.

Aku ingin menyanyikan beberapa lagu Yuyoyuppe untuk upload di tahun 2022, aku bakal nyoba nyanyi lagu Canvas, Pyschopath, Misery dan Reon mungkin.

Untuk next upload sudah 100% pasti Kyouran Hey Kids.

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this but make it SUPERYUPPERS

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super yuppers 🦸🏼‍♀️

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Yuppers, is that time of the year again...is time for us to contribute for the Derpibooru Community Collab! 😉

And this time we are making our contribution bigger by not only being at our own but also having involved in the collab! 😄

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ラストにご登場いただいたのは、ryuppeさん🎙✨念願叶って嬉しかった😭‼️無理言ってしもうたのに、新曲の「go back to the place」も披露してくれてたまらんかった( 🙏˘ω˘ )( ˘ω˘🙏 )✨最高のパフォーマンスありがとうございました‼️

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Inspired by my recent cold. Bradley has man flu but it's ok he has hot soup and bosoms to keep him company!

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> Pengen open komis mixing.
> Sadar kgk punya sampel 🥲
> Ragu buat open komis mixing
> Dengerin lagu Yuyoyuppe karena lagi bimbang
> Check channel sendiri
> Sadar kalau selama ini selalu mixing cover sendiri dan sampelnya udah numpuk banget.

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Batch 1 of the Bite Sized Commissions~!
These are for @/GayUppercut, @/ChubbyFantasy, and @/GoofwithFood!

I'm really proud how these turned out, they look extra sooooft <333

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Bradley and Brandey relaxing on his MASSIVE bed. Because Razzy forgot to draw pillows 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I don't know what kind of music you listen to but anything made by Yuyoyuppe is a banger 🔥

The album name is Draw

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Mhm yup yep mhm ya mhm mhm hmmhmhmh yessir hmhmhmhmhm yessireeeee yuppeeeeee mhhhhhhm indeedio mhmyepyayep lol mhmhmhm ya

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Bradley appreciation post. I do draw fanart sometimes but it's not something I'm big on. Other people always do a much better job than me. However sometimes I enjoy it or feel inspired to draw it!

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