After surrounding Jerusalem with the Zionist colonies, the colonial authorities are trying to deport 28 families, including about 500 people from their homes in favor of the colonists in order to tighten control over Jerusalem

20 15

A microcosm of Zionist bigotry and media complicity

26 103

Hamas isn’t even interested in abolishing the category of time, let alone the value-form, yet you expect me to support the “anti-colonial” struggle of the Palestinians against their Zionist oppressors?

250 3920

Antisemitism was indigenous for Moscow Soviet propaganda TOGETHER with antiukrainianism. While currently Russian propaganda tries to present Ukrainian freedom fighters as “antisemites”, in 70s Moscow used to blame them to be “pro-Jewish” and “Zionists”. Here: Soviet cartoons:

511 983

May 15th marks Al Nakba when imperialist powers sided against the human rights of Palestinians & declared Israel an official settler colonial state. The British began funding, militarizing, & the political backing of a Zionist genocide of Palestinian in 1916 & the US maintains it

137 261

While we’re out here complaining about being stuck at home and not being able to celebrate raya, not being able to be there for each other as a family.

Imagine being a Palestinian who lost their families to the zionists and had to run for their life...

1 2

Educate yourself more about Palestine and Zionist Israel

132 129

📢 Chicago, join and many others THIS Saturday to condemn zionist violence in Al-Quds and stand with the people of FB link: See you there & please share widely!

44 72

Incarceration is a long-standing tool to control resistance to violent powers; in Palestine it is a Zionist tactic used to deliberately isolate Palestinian freedom fighters and dissidents from the rest of Palestinian society, as well as to attempt to crush Palestinian resistance.

3 11

La "Sweet" avrà una variant (bellissima) firmata Artgerm, mentre per i collezionisti ci sarà anche la "DeLust Edition" a tiratura limitata in 600 copie, con litografia, un formato più grande e apparati redazionali!

1 13

Oh neat, I see Medhurst has already switched over to "everyone criticizing me is a Zionist".

Definitely not pushing antisemitism there, no way.

9 37





Se volete iniziare una collezione o siete già collezionisti, non esitate

Vi aspettiamo, basta un

Associata ANGAMC

0 1

The PYM commemorates the life and legacy of Bassel al-Araj, who would have turned 37 years old today. Bassel was a young Palestinian intellectual and activist martyred by Zionist forces in March 2017.

23 39

Table of Universal Brotherhood shows two Asians, a Sikh, an African, a Tartar, a Mexican-Indian, an American art critic, a French philosopher, a Zionist, and a Dutch poet. Many visitors recorded a complaint about an African-American seating at the head of the table.

0 2

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐉 — il sostenitore;
“idealisti tranquilli e mistici, ma molto stimolanti e instancabili”

punti di forza:


36 133

tanti auguri di sereno Natale a tutti (#negazionisti compresi!)

7 45