It wasn't hard to find inspiration for bad-ass female action heroes - there are a lot more than you think! Here's one of my favs launches Jan 26!

15 55

Cheerleaders are the best (and Vampire) hunters! Here's one I drew for our upcomming collection.
launches Jan 26!

10 46

Crazy underrated is . The art is the best in the cnft space, drawn beautifully by . Series 2, is setting the bar for value, with 3 images per nft (1 pfp, 1 16:9 version with attacking zombie, and a twitter banner version, ridiculous)

0 7

Just about every project on Cardano. Why would anybody want to use Ethereum? Make the switch now and forever be rewarded! Some awesome projects just dropped as well that are worth checking out. One in particular that is changing the game by

0 1

🔥 Minted these two FIRE lady zombie hunters !🔥


12 148

3 images in 1 NFT. PFP, wide angle, twItter banner, all in one. Is this a first?!

5 17

coming with that new drop! Looking fire! Awesome work Proud to be an owner!

15 48

Very happy with my whitelist mints. Will be minting a bunch more in the public sale Wednesday! with the AMAZING work as always!

13 53

I'm pretty confident in saying that the collection we've built (with over 500 assets) will be one of the most variable sets EVER!
launches Jan 26!

27 107

En vemos a siendo tatrapado por la capa de siendo un guiño a su variante pseudo de así como al de los comics, que es una fusión de Peter Parker y Steve Rogers con los poderes de Strange.

1 2

Is it just us, or is like, always walking through doorways?

1 7

Mr. Guy is ready to show off his mad zombie-fighting skills! Are you ready to see them?

2 11