"Je bent zelf een dikke hommel!" 😬🐝
Het liefst zou ik meer insecten willen schilderen, maar zouden jullie een hommeltje of kevertje aan de muur (of in een boek) willen? Laat 't me weten!!!

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Thirsty. ☀️
Om alvast in de zomer sfeer te komen;

👉🏻Te koop €150,- met lijst! 👈🏻

18cm x 13cm
(Prijs is excl. eventuele verzendkosten).

O, en er zit ook een haakje aan de achterkant. Dus dan kun je 'm ook ophangen. Mogelijkheden te over.

Deel! =Lief!

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continues in June. I said I'm not stopping the so will keep going til it's done. The prompt was Dragon. Stay tuned as theres a challenge I'm sketching concepts for this June as well as pokemon news happened!! Fan art here we come!

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Who let my brain have ideas? Only my dumb ass would take the prompt crystal and turn it into a meme/stupid idea and now here is a mermaid. I don't know why Shout out to my lazy editing of adding the bottle kind of

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I've been busy trying to indirectly help a friend with her convention sales but I still did a 25 is a cute one! Aw man...I should have done a fruits basket reference oh well

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24 I like this one. Still not back to feeling right yet, but this is better. I can't wait to feel better enough to return to my commission and not unprofessional. also, prosthetics are awesome.

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23 - plants. I felt so sick today which is something I haven't felt in a long time and was raging at the internet but I finally got the strength to do this. Now I need to eat something. This is prettier than I expected

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