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To my #RestoreTheSnyderVerse friends. You have been like brothers to Alita Army and we thank you for your support! We are at a crucial time in the future of Alita. With the @Rodriguez/@JimCameron pitch possibly imminent we must help #GiveAlitaHerSequel too! Rosa Salazar deserves!
Our fingers are crossed that @Discovery listens to fans and allows the story we love to be finished. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
RTSV logo by @Cris_Arriagada
I will always adore Snyder’s DC works, and I will always support the #RestoreTheSnyderVerse movement. But I have to admit that the new trailer has peaked my interest in DC’s future. Both The Batman Reevesverse and the DCEU. Expectations are low. The Flash cowl looks better too.
@heroichollywood Might be yours but certainly not our
@DCComics @TheBatman @blackadammovie @theflashmovie @aquamanmovie You've removed the foundation and expect the house to still stand.
But it doesn't.
This is "world" is not DC.
#BoycottWB #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
@WatchMojo Imagine being the studio owning amazing storylines like this and not giving the sequels to its creator. 🤡 #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
I get liking one over the other and thats OK. I myself like BOTH ideas. You don’t have to trash people’s art/work and say they “don’t get the character” because it doesn’t fit YOUR ideal. Iteration is nothing new to comic book characters. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
zAcK sNyDeR dOeSn’T UNdErStAnD SUpERmAn!!!!
Zack Snyder:
Atención gente!
Una vez mas nos apoyaremos mutuamente los fieles amigos del #RestoreTheSnyderVerse con los de #GiveAlitaHerSequel
Juntos moveremos a lo estudios este 13 y 14 de abril
Pd: También apoyen los que son del #ReleaseTheSchumacherCut y también apóyenlos el 12 de febrero https://t.co/SpFaU7LGl4
Quiero volver a vivir momentos así, es por eso que no me rendiré #RestoreTheSnyderVerse hasta que no quede la mínima chispa de esperanza ahí estaré
"take the lantern to earth. There are heroes there that can help"
"But, what about you? We got this far together"
"I'll buy you some time"
"How? we saw them take all of OA out"
"Where there's a will, kid...where there's a will"
The way Zack Snyder was to end his story arc in brought the whole world together to fight off Darkseid's armada. Who the hell is running Warner Bros and wanted to kill this? It would have been so epic. I hope we may get this sequel to wrap the story.
"She was my world.. and you took her from me."
I didnt want to erase Batman's cape so the Spades Symbol will have to go over! 😅🙃 #Batman #BvS #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #art #artwork
@GaiExJeeExE It was amazing to see Granny Goodness standing beside Darkseid in #ZackSnydersJusticeLeague 👏🏾 I hope to one day see Wonder Woman fighting Granny and her Female Furies in live-action. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse #dccomics #DC
People hate what they don't understand.. #RestoreTheSnyderVerse
never forget that idiots who make stuff like this, are trying to bash snyder #RestoreTheSnyderVerse