画質 高画質

original artist: 1.2 MILLION followers > 90K likes
reposter: 15 K followers > 130K likes

This place is a fuckin joke https://t.co/o6n3XNkvro

3776 61641

Relearning 3D modeling, this must look horrifying to actual 3D artists lol

4 37

Heyoo Artist! Met sore. Sender mo numpang setor wip disini sambil mencari moomoo🐄. Adakah yang mo bekawan? Ketik 7 nanti sender folow (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

0 30

Sore artist! Akun sender masi baru jdi mau cari k☁️ dlu barang kali ada yg mau??

0 68

Artist Feature: ! They draw a variety of gorgeous fighting games waifus and more 😄

You can commission them on their Skeb page!


5 31

sometimes I wonder if I'm eligible artist for game industry or not :(

I can't render like those AAA game concept artists no matter how much I know the basics :"(

0 12

I had a successful birthday this year.
Thank you very much!

Since this is a good opportunity, I, ‘SRBGENk’, would like to stop using the artist name ‘SRBGENk’ and go by my real name ‘Eguro Genki’.

Thank you for your continued support!
The tag will continue to be… https://t.co/TwQ90NTM2N

9 28

Finally, after all this time, I’m happy to announce my new one-shot comic, Liber8!

It’s a fast-paced story about two artists. a high-and-mighty art director and a rebellious street artist clashing in a chaotic adventure - with a plot twist.

Read it here: https://t.co/KA4q3oh28v

10 27

Artist! kampus aku lagi ngadain art contest nihh✋🏻 Prizepoolnya sampe 1.800.000 juta🥳

Biaya registrasinya 35.000 ‼️ For details cek IG @/playdayfest, DM Discord: araran, atau reply ya nanti aku DM 🫵🏻

8 20

Siang artist! Adakah yg mau bersapi di ig dgn sender? Sender mau coba lebih aktif lagi di sana. Drop usn/link yaa 💋

0 21

Pagy artist! Ada yang mw berk☁️? Tapi ak aga selective 👉👈

0 51

Artist! Mau nanya klo komis gambaran kaya gini harganya/priceny perkiraan berapa y??? Sekalian ada yg mau berk☁️?? Sender aga selective ^^

2 38

Artist Feature: ! They draw stunning Hoyoverse illustrations 😄

You can commission them on their Skeb page!


8 107

Malem artist! Mau setor wip ✨ sekalian nyari yg mau ber🐄, adakah?

0 98

Happy Birthday !

if (somehow) you're not already following Lulu, go check her out! She's a great artist and comfy streamer as well!

237 2192

Artist vs Art

wwwww...🥵🥵🥵 https://t.co/l1Zx2gNKQR

986 19815

Malem Artist! ~ Sender baru kelarin komis terbaru~ dan sekarang mau cari artmoost😈✨️ adakah mau bermoost??

0 9

"hmmmm why are these artist disappointed on machine that scrapes all their life works, mimic their art styles and possibly impersonate them? Are they stewpidzzzs????"

0 2