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original artist: 1.2 MILLION followers > 90K likes
reposter: 15 K followers > 130K likes
This place is a fuckin joke https://t.co/o6n3XNkvro
Relearning 3D modeling, this must look horrifying to actual 3D artists lol
Heyoo Artist! Met sore. Sender mo numpang setor wip disini sambil mencari moomoo🐄. Adakah yang mo bekawan? Ketik 7 nanti sender folow ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Sore artist! Akun sender masi baru jdi mau cari k☁️ dlu barang kali ada yg mau??
Artist Feature: @Luci_omi_gusu! They draw a variety of gorgeous fighting games waifus and more 😄
You can commission them on their Skeb page!
sometimes I wonder if I'm eligible artist for game industry or not :(
I can't render like those AAA game concept artists no matter how much I know the basics :"(
I had a successful birthday this year.
Thank you very much!
Since this is a good opportunity, I, ‘SRBGENk’, would like to stop using the artist name ‘SRBGENk’ and go by my real name ‘Eguro Genki’.
Thank you for your continued support!
The tag #SRBGENk will continue to be… https://t.co/TwQ90NTM2N
Finally, after all this time, I’m happy to announce my new one-shot comic, Liber8!
It’s a fast-paced story about two artists. a high-and-mighty art director and a rebellious street artist clashing in a chaotic adventure - with a plot twist.
Read it here: https://t.co/KA4q3oh28v
Artist! kampus aku lagi ngadain art contest nihh✋🏻 Prizepoolnya sampe 1.800.000 juta🥳
Biaya registrasinya 35.000 ‼️ For details cek IG @/playdayfest, DM Discord: araran, atau reply ya nanti aku DM 🫵🏻
Siang artist! Adakah yg mau bersapi di ig dgn sender? Sender mau coba lebih aktif lagi di sana. Drop usn/link yaa 💋
Artist! Mau nanya klo komis gambaran kaya gini harganya/priceny perkiraan berapa y??? Sekalian ada yg mau berk☁️?? Sender aga selective ^^
Artist Feature: @_pokira! They draw stunning Hoyoverse illustrations 😄
You can commission them on their Skeb page!
Happy Birthday @lululewds !
if (somehow) you're not already following Lulu, go check her out! She's a great artist and comfy streamer as well!
Malem Artist! ~ Sender baru kelarin komis terbaru~ dan sekarang mau cari artmoost😈✨️ adakah mau bermoost??
"hmmmm why are these artist disappointed on machine that scrapes all their life works, mimic their art styles and possibly impersonate them? Are they stewpidzzzs????"