🔥 Catified Kamado family 🔥

I love Kamado family and designing them was so much fun! Who's your fave?

37 133

I literally have so many of these so have some more

2 18

Sup Ray/Vis here and I really enjoy turning characters from various fandoms into cats :D

15 50

Thinking about how it's been 2 years since one of my favorite sibling duos, Soren and Claudia, was destroyed and with no follow up between the two this entire time

5 22

// weird eyes
He has 97 mental illnesses and is banned from most public spaces 💔

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hey hey im spice/el and i am currently into project sekai! (mainly anhane)

10 35

Howdy! I'm a furry artist who's really into just tiring my favorite characters from my hyperfixations into furries! Right now I'm working on making/getting designs for all the ace attorney characters!!

4 14

Kiel (left)
Catto designs @ me

This guy’s relationship with his own race is absolutely fascinating to me, and since the book isn’t out in English yet, headcannons for the win I guess 😂

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girl help the psychonauts are in my brain and they turned into cats and

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// fnaf
New Carmen fnaf designs dropped

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Your soul is the color of stardust

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I’m Thena/Torin! I mainly draw marvel cats but I do occasionally make make animalfied versions of other characters! I rlly like marvel and drawing, and reading sometimes jdisjsh

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anyone else care about d. gray-man? no? just me? okay </3

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// jack stauber music, fnaf, implied head trauma, impalement, glitching effects
Holy shit this was my 3rd fucking repost I keep forgetting things anyways sad Michael hours

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REPOST of the Island Trio Dogs bc I'm still really proud of them and there's a tag now

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[ MCU ] Spider-Man can have a few more spider traits, as a treat!

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